Senin, 20 Desember 2010
Senin, 13 Desember 2010
Chica de tapa

Mi primera publicación en una revista. Salió el domingo
en la revista 7 Días. Estoy que no me lo creo :)
Quiero agradecer a la editora que me contactó
tan gentilmente y muy especialmente a Marcela, que gracias
a su post, en su hermoso blog, pudieron ver mi trabajo.
What a wonderful way to finish this year, don't you think?
My very first publishing in a magazine, I'm so happy :D
Kamis, 18 November 2010
Huele a Navidad / Smell like Christmas

Estoy probando algo nuevo en las muñecas.
Pegar papelitos. Por ahora pinta muy bien :D
Están todos en mi tienda.
Minggu, 14 November 2010
Vem aí "A grande fábrica de palavras"
Una interesante entrevista realizada por Editora Aletria, con motivo la próxima edición de mi libro en portugués. Muito obrigado!
Leia a entrevista em português >
Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010
Tip Tap Pop: Gina Perry's interview
Hola amigos! A través de una entrevista realizada por la ilustradora Ginna Perry, les presento un nuevo libro para US llamado Tip Tap Pop. Quiero agradecer a Gina y a Sarah Lynn la autora del libro, por darme la oportunidad de hablar sobre los procesos y sentimientos por los cuales transito mientras ilustro un libro álbum. También deseo agradecer de todo corazón los comentarios que han dejado en el blog de Gina. Muchas gracias por tanto cariño.
Hi friends! Through a recent interview made by the illustrator Ginna Perry, I present you a new book published in the US called Tip Tap Pop. I would like to thank Gina and Sarah Lynn, the author of the book, for giving me the opportunity to talk about the processes and the feelings that I go through when illustrating an album. I also would like to thank all the readers’ comments in Ginna’s blog, so kind and warm!

1. As an illustrator, I'm always curious about material choices. Would you share some of your specific tools (brushes, brand of paint, pencils, paper, etc.)?
Every project entails its own unique world of sensations. I believe that the challenge, as well as the fun, lies in finding the materials that are most helpful in portraying the emotional climate or atmosphere where the action takes place in each book. This is the part that calls for specific technical requirements. For example, if I want to emphasize the light, I use oils to create limpid, transparent layers. If I don't have enough time for oil paint to dry, I use acrylics. For Tip Tap Pop, a story that deals very sensitively with a difficult topic, I chose gouache in order to create velvety textures and a sweet atmosphere. Gouache also allowed me to portray a sense of melancholy, whenever the story dealt with memory and the passage of time, or a dynamic atmosphere in the dancing scenes. The only constant is that I always use Fabriano paper. As for the other materials, they change according to the nature and demands of the project.
2. How much planning went into the color palette for Tip Tap Pop? I appreciated how your vivid colors faded during Pop's loneliest moments on the porch. Was this intentional?
The text of Tip Tap Pop deals with memory and the passage of time. Grandpa POP is losing his memory of the past, a youthful time when he lit up the dance floors as a tap dancer, which he recounts to his granddaughter through dancing. To recreate this past in the present, I chose a palette of colors reminiscent of the American soda fountains of the 50's. When POP begins to lose his memory, his inner silence adds yet another dimension to the story. To represent this transition, which culminates in the double page where POP is on the porch, I chose more realistic lighting and softer, more subdued colors. The light surrounding POP on the porch instills a sense of emptiness in the story, the silence that begins to take over the grandfather's mind and which is noted by all the other characters.
3. You use pattern and texture in such a smart and unique way. What (or who) are some of your inspirations?
The textures and patterns in my illustrations come about randomly, as the result of improvisation with various types of materials. In fact, this is the part of the creative process that I enjoy most of all. To create the world of Tip Tap Top, where past and present are woven together, come unraveled and are then woven anew, I searched my memory to find the textures of the lace-edged clothing that I used for the grandmother and the diaphanous tutus that I used for the little girls who are just beginning to learn how to dance. I chose simple textures because my intention was to focus deeply on the facial expressions of the characters and on their interactions with each other.

4. Were there any particular challenges in illustrating this story?
One of the biggest challenges presented by this story was how to portray the internal changes in Grandpa POP, depending on whether he was losing or regaining his memory. This is why I included a character that isn't in the text: the dog. The dog accompanies the characters throughout the story and establishes a relationship with the reader, highlighting what is taking place. For example, when Grandpa POP begins to regain his memory, the dog has one eye closed and the other one open, looking at POP's foot, which seems to recall a dance step. In the two-page illustration on the porch, the dog is asleep, just like POP's memory. Throughout the book, the dog intensifies the emotions and transitions in the story. The character of the dog also serves as another way of approaching the story, perhaps a more innocent perspective on the difficult subject matter of the book, which would be easier for children to identify with. Besides the symbolism, I also enjoyed representing the spiritual connection between the dog and the grandfather.
5. What is your early process like when illustrating a picture book?
Do you spend a lot of time on character design or do you dive right into thumbnails? The character that I spent the most time studying was Grandpa POP. I sketched more than thirty grandfathers. Some looked too serious, while others looked too old. POP is senile, but he is also a dancer, which means that he must be very dynamic. When I gave POP his unruly fringe of hair, he looked like a mad scientist, and I realized that I was onto something. I then worked on the character of the dog. It needed to be a dog that wouldn't draw attention away from the other characters and one that was also capable of expressing feelings. The long ears that I chose allowed me to portray his emotions in a very entertaining way. The little girl and the grandmother came about the very first day I read the story. Once all of the characters had taken on a life of their own, the challenge was to unify their features, giving them some family resemblance.
6. What is your favorite spread in Tip Tap Pop? (Mine is her 6th Birthday. I love the shift from the 5th Birthday in so many details, including the sad doll in the box and the strong composition isolating Pop in the background.
My favorite double page is the one with Grandpa Pop on the porch. As I mentioned earlier, when Pop begins to forget, silence becomes another dimension of the story, a sort of ambiguous, internal setting. When the past that lives on in our memories begins to fade, it leaves behind an indescribable sensation, a static emptiness while the world around us goes on about its business. I tried to represent this as the flight of a dragonfly on a sunny day, a sleeping dog and a pair of gazing eyes, lost somewhere in time.
Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010
Hello there!!
Perdón amigos!!! No los he olvidado solo es que he estado trabajando.
Sorry friends!!! I haven't forgotten you I've just been working a lot.
And taking care of my kids of course :)
Minggu, 12 September 2010
Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010
Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010
DPI Magazine Interview

Bajo el título "La Poesía de la Ilustración Sudamericana" DPI Magazine la revista de Taiwan especializada en diseño e ilustración, ha dedicado su N°135 a descubrir la escencia de los ilustradores sudamericanos a través de extensas entrevistas realizadas a Gustavo Aimar, Laura Michel, Poly Bernatene, Cecilia Varela, Carolina Farias, José Sanabria, Claudia Degliuomini y a mí :). Aunque ya hayan visitado estos blogs anteriormente, les recomiendo que vuelvan a darse una vueltita por ellos pues algunos han posteado las respuestas de su entrevista donde podrán conocerlos mejor y descubrir en que consisten sus procesos creativos. Para los que hemos participado, es una gran satisfacción ver el interés que despierta nuestro trabajo en paises tan lejanos y como siempre, una forma más de acercar distancias. Aquí les dejo un link donde he subido mi entrevista en inglés y en español. Espero que tambien les resulte interesante.
> leer entrevista
Under the title "Poetry of South American Illustration" DPI Magazine, the Taiwanese magazine specialized in Design & Illustration, has dedicated its issue Nº 135 to discover the essence of South American illustrators through extensive interviews to Gustavo Aimar, Laura Michel, Poly Bernatene, Cecilia Varela, Carolina Farias, José Sanabria, Claudia Degliuomini and me:). Even if you have already visited the blog of these illustrators, I recommend you to make a short visit again, as some of them have published their personal interviews. It's a great opportunity to get to know them better and to discover the uniqueness of their creative processes. For those we have participated in this publication, it's a great joy to see the interest shown for our work in so far away countries and, as always, another chance to narrow distances. Follow this link to read my interview in English and Spanish. Hope you will also find it interesting.
> read interview
Jumat, 23 Juli 2010
IF: Double
Selasa, 20 Juli 2010
Felíz Día!!!

Les dejo unos experimentos que estoy haciendo
porque saben lo inquieta que soy!!!
Espero no dejar tan abandonado el blog,
pero el tiempo es oro con dos peques.
Quiero hacer millones de cosas, concretar miles de proyectos
pero también quiero ser madre :D
Que tengan un hermoso día!!!!
Today in Argentina we celebrate Friendship Day.
So Happy Friendship Day!!
Hope I could spend more time here,
but time is like gold with two little child.
I want to make million stuff and projects,
but I want to be a mother too :D
Have a nice day my friend!!!
Selasa, 06 Juli 2010
Guarda mi lágrima - Keep my tear

Si puedes sentirla,
It rains, always rains,
above and below.
If you can feel it
keep it in your heart.
*Available in my shop*
Jumat, 25 Juni 2010
Rabu, 23 Juni 2010
Let's Celebrate!! GIVEAWAY - SORTEO!!

festejarlo nada mejor que un SORTEO, que les parece?
Para participar de él tienen que ir al blog de EsEtsy.
El premio?
Esta adorable muñequita + una impresión a elección.
Jumat, 18 Juni 2010
Dedal / Thimble
Another custom order. A thimble!! Carmen from Ceuta
is a collector of thimbles and request me one.
Mine is a thimble/pot :)

Next week is coming a giveaway!! Stay tuned!!!
Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

More Mininas here
Selasa, 08 Juni 2010
Selasa, 01 Juni 2010
Kamis, 27 Mei 2010
Terminadas / Finished

las maletas para volar a Francia :D
Some of them for gift and others are preparing
packing to fly to France :D
Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

Hay escritores que nos llevan a lugares realmente inesperados. La imagen nace de viajar por los paisajes internos de Clarice Lispector.
Senin, 17 Mei 2010
Senin, 10 Mei 2010
Correo + Sorteo!!!

la talentosísima ilustradora Kristina Sabaite esta hermosa
Hoy por fin pude colgarla. Gracias Krissss es hermosa!!!!
The amazing illustrator Kristina Sabaite send me
this cute print and a lovely bunny. Isn't they cute?

Selasa, 04 Mei 2010
Rabu, 28 April 2010
Tea Time!!

muchos libritos y buena compañía.
Pues de las cosas ricas no quedaron ni las migas
y de tanta charla no hubo tiempo de ver ni libros ni originales.
Como siempre un placer ilustrado por Ceci, Pao y Bela
(que faltó con aviso porque estaba enfermuchi).
Always is a perfect time for a tea, nice chat,
a lot of books and good company.
It was an illustrated pleasure by Ceci, Pao y Bela.
Kamis, 22 April 2010
Feliz día de la Tierra!! Happy Earth Day!!

What do you think about this idea? I'd really want to know what you do everyday for the health of our planet and for our own health of course.
Sabtu, 10 April 2010
Senin, 05 April 2010
Dance Studio!!!

Estoy realmente feliz de ver terminado el puzzle y los productos para niñas que realicé para Crocodile Creek. Estos son algunos de los productos de cuidadísimo diseño y excelente calidad con los que esta empresa hace honor a su lema "el arte del juego".
Para los que me preguntan dónde pueden conseguirse esta vez es muy facil porque la página tiene un shop online!
Visitenla aquí
I am really happy to see the final results of the puzzle and the products for girls that I’ve done for Crocodile Creek. Enjoy some images of these carefully-designed and high quality products, with which the company honors its slogan “the art of play”.
For those who always ask me where they can get it, this time it will be very easy, as Crocodile Creek site has an online shop!
Visit them here
Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010
+ animales / témpera

Otro retrato de la serie de animales hecho en témpera, en este caso a todo color. Esta princecita encantada hoy vive en lo de Esteban :)
Senin, 08 Maret 2010
Felicidad!! / Happiness!!

mas linda para mostrarles :D
Y que mejor que festejar este Día de la Mujer con
la realización de haber sido madre por segunda vez.
Y con un sueño hecho realidad, poder
crear, crear y crear!!
the powerful of have been mother for second time!

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010
Bienvenido / Welcome MILO GAEL!!!!

con 3040 kg. Los dos estamos muy bien!!
totalmente enamorada de mi principito :)
Gracias por el cariño de siempre!!