Felices Fiestas!!
Happy holidays!!
Ilustrar un libro es emprender un viaje con destino desconocido. Cuando llegó a mis manos este poema inédito de Ángel González, me sumergí en lo hondo de su poesía en busca de un sentir que iluminara estas palabras oceánicas. He intentado que las imágenes de este libro vibraran con ese latido, el alma íntima de este querido poeta.
A casi 4 años de la muerte de Ángel, les presento ¨Sirenas¨. Un gran abrazo y ¡buen fin de año para todos!
> ver presentación de "Sirenas" en YouTube
llustration is always a trip with an unknown destination. When this unpublished poem of Ángel González came into my hands, I dove into the depths of his poetry in search of the beating heart of it. I have tried to make vibrate the images of this book with the beat of that heart, the intimate soul of this beloved poet.
Now, almost four years after the death Ángel, I present to you ¨Mermaids¨. Warm regards to all of you and have a great end to the year!
> see the presentation of "Sirenas" (Mermaids) in YouTube
" It's cold outside and snow is falling. Inside the fire is warm. The child, the velvet cat, the blue elephant and the rocking horse are warm and sleepy. 'Let's go adventuring!' says the child ".
Come with these adorable characters on an adventure around the world, through snow-capped mountains and across stormy seas as they weave their own adventure through a shared narrative.
This is a contemporary classic with breathtaking illustrations from Argentinian talent, Valeria Docampo. "The Adventurers" is the perfect book to explore the freedom of the imagination and the joy of sharing stories with one child or many.
> buy this book in english - Amazon UK
> acheter ce livre en française - Fnac Fr
cerise, … poussière, … chaise !
cereja, ... pó, … cadeira !
cereza, … polvo, …silla !
kersenrood, … pannenlapje, … stoelendans !
cereixa, ... po, ... cadeira !
ciliegia, … polvere, … sedia!
kirsche, … staub, … stuhl!
cherry… ruby… chimes !
벚꽃, … 먼지, … 의자 !
češnja, … prah, … stol!